Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chapter 1: The Thesis of my life (for now)


I was in the bunk room. There were 50 kids sleeping in this room. It wasn’t that big either. Every once in a while the older kids would commit suicide. They hated this damned job. And so do I. a few weeks ago hey banned sheets from the “steel cold slabs” they called beds, because too many people hung their selves with their sheets. You would think this was pretty mature for some seventeen-year olds to be hanging themselves but that’s not the start of it.

I had just gotten to sleep when the lights turned on and “Dick” the person who herds us and controls us said, “Alex, you got a job.” I waved to my brother and followed “Dick” out the door. He brought me to a desk where a girl was to be sitting next to me. She whispered her name was Elizabeth. Then a man mid-size sat across from us and showed us a plan. It was interesting… (Did I mention Elizabeth was HOT) we had to be doing a transaction at a bank but we get lovey (ACTING!) and start kissing and distract people in the bank while the man slowly comes up and holds the gun to the teller. We freak out and get on the floor.

Driving there I looked out the window. How could I be so changed in four years? Just four years ago I was in a warm hut nestled by the fireplace but someone threw me out in the cold to die. But I wouldn’t I must be strong. I must get out of this goddamned life.

A plan was formulating in my mind. Something that might let me and maybe Elizabeth escape. We might be on the run but at least I wont have to steal money from innocent people. Well, talking about banks these days… but that’s not the point. (Not all the places I rob are banks.) But that’s STILL not the point.
Keep Readin'!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey its the n this is a awsome book